Here is a list of services I provide.
Please click on the service for details.
Adults Package
Initial Assessments: $120.00
The initial assessment takes 1.5 hour for an adult. Special attention will be given to your medical history, so please bring to your first visit with me:
- past medical records and diagnostic test results (if you have it)
- all of your current medications and supplements (if you take it)
- all your important questions (put on your list)
First visit will usually compose of the following matters: a detailed past medical history, family history, organs stress test, test for nutrient deficiencies (vitamins, minerals), test for Candida, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, allergens, etc. The findings will help make an individual management plan and course of treatment might be proposed. I will discuss this with you, along with any dietary and lifestyle changes.
Follow up consultation for adults: $80.00
Initial Assessments + bio-energetic test for food sensitivity (200 items): $150.00
Initial Assessments + bio-energetic test for food sensitivity (340 items): $170.00
Bio-energetic test for food sensitivity (340 items): $90.00 (1 hour)
Senior, student rates: Initial Assessments: $90.00
Follow up consultation for a senior, a student: $70.00
Children's Package
Initial Assessments: $ 75.00 (1 - 1, 5 hours)
Follow up consultation for child: $ 60.00 (1 hour)
Quit smoking package $150.00
The package includes the initial assessment-consultation (approximately 1 hour) and biofeedback session (takes 1 hour).
If you need, the second session will be given free of charge.