Naturopathic medicine (also known
as naturopathy, or natural medicine) is a complementary and
alternative medicine which emphasizes the body's intrinsic ability to
heal and maintain itself.
The naturopath primary purpose is to
prevent disease, to promote health, and to restore, maintain and
optimize health and well-being through individualized patient care
using natural therapies.
Six Principles of Naturopathy:
First, do no harm; provide the most effective
health care available with the least risk to patients at all times
(Primum Non Nocere).
Recognize, respect and promote the
self-healing power of nature inherent in each individual human
being. (Vis Medicatrix Naturae).
Identify and remove the causes of illness,
rather than eliminate or suppress symptoms (Tolle Causum).
Educate, inspire rational hope and encourage
self-responsibility for health (Doctor as Teacher).
Treat each person by considering all individual
health factors and influences. (Treat the Whole Person).
Emphasize the condition of health to promote
well-being and to prevent diseases for the individual, each
community and our world. (Health Promotion, the Best Prevention)
What conditions can benefit from
Naturopathic Medicine?